Mioliners biodegradable protective veils

€11,00 EUR

Mio liners are recommended when using Bambino Mio diapers in combination with diapers. These liners let moisture through but prevent it from seeping into your baby's skin. The liners retain solid feces to prevent the diaper from soiling.

Mioliners are biodegradable and can therefore be flushed down the toilet. Because they come in a handy roll with detachable sheets, they're easy and comfortable to use.



  • Easy and comfortable to use
  • The linings let moisture through, but prevent it from seeping into baby's skin.
  • Wipes keep stool solid to prevent diaper soiling
  • Biodegradable - safe to flush down the toilet without harming the environment.
  • Practical rolls with detachable sheets

Warning: Liner flushing may block old or damaged sewer pipes. We are not responsible for damage to sewers.
