Silicone baby toothbrush

€7,50 EUR

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Baby silicone toothbrush - Jack & Jill
For gentle chewing and cleaning at the same time...

It's chewable: it's truly the first baby-friendly toothbrush, responding to the common, natural desire of all babies to put their teeth in their mouths and chew!

It doesn't carry bacteria like a traditional toothbrush: it's fully washable and even dishwasher-safe.

It needs to be changed less often than a regular toothbrush, so produces less waste.

Your little one becomes independent and discovers the fun aspect of daily cleaning, brushing his teeth without difficulty.

Its soft silicone material prevents baby from injuring himself with a hard object or getting the brush stuck in his throat.

From the very first teething...
The Baby Toothbrush will be much appreciated for soothing baby's swollen and sore gums: it's soft and pleasant to chew on.
With a shape that adapts perfectly to baby's mouth, it can also reach molars that are coming through.
It can be placed in the fridge, so that when cooled it soothes pain more quickly.
It's also easy to hold from an early age: babies will find it fascinating and fun!
Teeth and gums are gently cleaned by soft bristles that help to remove sugars and other harmful, cavity-causing elements.

Atthe age of little quenelles...
An ideal first toothbrush for little ones: soft, supple, easy to hold and fun to use, your big baby will be able to discover the joys of toothbrushing and do what grown-ups do...
It can be used as a chewable toothbrush for babies up to 5 years of age.
Its clever shape makes it easy to reach the molars, which are usually so difficult to brush. Apply the recommended amount of toothpaste to the toothbrush, then encourage your child to chew while moving it from side to side in his mouth. It can also be used without toothpaste.
Teeth and gums are gently cleaned by the soft bristles, which help to remove sugars and other harmful elements that can cause tooth decay.


A well-thought-out shape!
Inspired by a little girl who liked to chew her toothbrush, it answers the question of how to clean baby's teeth and keep gums clean. After all, 50% of children under 5 suffer from cavities!
Initially designed by a dentist as a multi-purpose brush (teething brush and toothbrush), the Brush Baby is based on the instinct of our babies to put everything in their mouths to chew.
Chewing is excellent for babies! The saliva produced during chewing neutralizes the acids produced by bacteria in the mouth, which damage teeth...

Simply wash in clean water (leave to air dry) and even put in the dishwasher!
Inspect the Brush Baby before each use, especially when the child is already teething. Replace at the first signs of wear.
Always use in the presence of an adult.
Recommended from birth to 3 years of age.

Pure silicone.
100% biodegradable packaging: recycled cardboard & cornstarch window.

Length: 10 cm